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How To Offer WooCommerce Shipping Discounts (Easy Tutorial)

Shipping costs can make or break a sale for customers when they shop online. In fact, according to industry insights, high extra costs like shipping and taxes are the number one reason for cart abandonment. Imagine the missed opportunities! By offering WooCommerce shipping discounts, you can encourage more customers to complete their purchases […]

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How To Create WooCommerce Gift Cards (Step-by-Step Guide) 

Gift cards have always been a favorite among shoppers, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s one of the most flexible and convenient alternatives to traditional gift-giving, allowing recipients to choose exactly what they want. This presents an amazing opportunity for you as a store owner. By offering WooCommerce […]

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How To Give Personalized Coupons To Specific Customers

Imagine you’re a shop owner trying to make your customers feel extra special. Sure, a simple coupon is a good start, but what really makes a difference is personalized coupons. This not only helps keep customers coming back but also makes them feel like they’re getting something unique and exclusive. […]

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