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New Feature! Ability To Add Store Credit Notes

Store credits play an important role for many WooCommerce stores–they’re used to handle refunds, provide loyalty rewards, or run exclusive promotions. As such, store credit adjustments happen often. Not having the proper tools and means to track these adjustments can lead to confusion and even financial discrepancies for your business. […]

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NEW FEATURE! WooCommerce Coupon Templates In Advanced Coupons

Let’s be real, setting up flexible coupons that fit your promotional plans can be a headache without the right tools. And that’s why we’ve created a solution that’s not only efficient but also enhances your store’s operations – WooCommerce Coupon Templates! No more stressing over setting up coupons in WooCommerce. […]

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Ability To Sort Or Filter Store Credit Balance (New Feature)

Managing your customers’ store credit balance effectively is essential for businesses that provide store credit. Using sorting and filtering options can make this process much smoother, leading to happier customers and a better understanding of how customers behave. And guess what? Advanced Coupons has recently added a feature to help […]

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7 WooCommerce Loyalty Program Perks During The Holiday Season

With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s prime time for WooCommerce businesses to capitalize on the power of loyalty programs. How? Leverage the power of loyalty program perks! Imagine customers eagerly anticipating your exclusive holiday offers. They are feeling valued and returning for more. By understanding the unique […]

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