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6 Places To Promote Your WooCommerce Store’s Special Deal

6 Places To Promote Your WooCommerce Store's Special Deal

Depending on your store’s niche and the available time, you may or may not have the luxury of putting together a special deal offer for your customers. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t market for free!

Promoting your all-time favorite deals and sales with minimal effort is more accessible. Let’s look at six places to promote your WooCommerce store’s special deal online to increase brand loyalty, drive foot traffic to your store, and more!

Promoting Your WooCommerce Store’s Special Deal

We’ve talked about several aspects of coupon marketing. From several different strategies to seasonal marketing.

Let’s assume we’ve thoroughly educated you on that side of things. You’ve created a great campaign that you are planning to launch soon. You’re excited about this one and are optimistic it will blow the lid off your sales projections for the year.

You don’t want to limit it to your existing customer base. You want to spread it wide because it will attract new customers. But how are you going to do this?

You know you can’t just buy a list of email addresses and spam thousands of unsuspecting people… You do know that, right? One should know if you’re using one of the popular email marketing services. But it might be a thought for a future post.

Back to the matter at hand. You want to expand your customer base. You want to get that excellent coupon promotion you’re about to run into as many hands as possible.

Let’s do it.

1. Start Producing Content

If you don’t already have a blog attached to your store, now’s a good time to add one. Content marketing is an excellent way to share relevant information with your existing customers and a broader audience.

In a few other posts, we’ve discussed our fictional case study, The Store. We also mentioned some information he includes with his onboarding email when he sells an expensive handbag—a leather care how-to guide.

If our store owner had a blog, he could have a post with that info. If that post is incredibly informative and becomes the go-to place for leather care tips, he will get a lot of eyes on his site, which could translate into more customers.

And the best part of this? It costs you nothing unless you must source writers to prepare your content.

2. Forum/Facebook Group Marketing

Are there any active forums or Facebook Groups in your niche? If you aren’t already visible on them, you should be.

Finding a few worthy—and active—forums are still possible, depending on your niche. If you do decide to market on one, make sure you read and abide by forum rules. If you don’t, you’re either banned, or you’ve just served up some bad PR for yourself.

With this, you have a few options: join someone else’s group or start your own. Frankly, do both!

If you’re starting yours, you’ll enter your group to the sound of crickets, so you’ll have to work to establish it. As with the forums mentioned above, follow the group’s rules once accepted—if it’s a private group.

You might even want to consider joining groups that expressly state no marketing. No, not to break the rules and try to market there, but since many people are naturally curious, there’s a good chance they’ll check you out if you become active and comment.

Just make sure your comments are worthwhile. So, while not actively marketing in groups that don’t allow it, you are putting a billboard in front of others in the group. They see you.

For groups that do allow marketing, it’s a good idea to ease into it. Don’t join a group and immediately slap some advertising on a page. At least that’s my recommendation.

If that seems to be the norm in the group, go for it.

These won’t cost you anything but time and can be highly effective in the long run.

3. Use Google Adwords

Depending on your store’s niche, the cost of an Adwords campaign is either reasonable or outrageous, so you’ll need to do some research.

The more popular your niche, the more it will cost you to see your ads, but with proper keyword research and strategy, it can work for you within a reasonable budget.

If you have the time and drive to learn about it, Adwords is a great way to drive traffic to your site and your deal.

You can laser target your ads so anyone that clicks lands right where you want them to. Adwords will cost you, unlike the suggestions above. But it will get eyes on your deal much quicker.

4. Social Media

These days, if you don’t have some social media presence, it’s as if you don’t exist. By now, you’ve hopefully got at least a small following.

And don’t assume that everyone who follows you is also on your mailing list.

Signing up for a mailing list is a whole new level of commitment, and you need to do more work for that than it will take to get followers or like.

Don’t just post your deal and think you’re done. Find the popular hashtags in your niche and be active on them. Make sure you interact.

5. Influencers

There are various influences, but for the sake of this subject, we’ll stick to Instagram influencers.

If you’re scratching your head, wondering what I’m talking about, celebrities are an example of influencers. Anyone who has a large established audience has a measure of credibility—at least to their fans—and has the power to influence others are influencers too.

Some brands utilize the power of influencers to amplify their products.

As an example—especially if your demographic is Generation Z—Kylie Jenner has over 125 million followers on Instagram. To get a sense of the kind of power this 21-year-old wields, she posted her dislike of it when Snapchat pushed a redesign of their platform in early 2018. And the company’s stock immediately lost $1.3 billion because someone barely out of her teens at the time expressed her displeasure in a single sentence.

Imagine what expressing her pleasure in your brand could do for you!

I’m not going to imply this is an easy or inexpensive route to take. But if you could get an influencer with even a tiny fraction of Kylie’s clout, they could skyrocket your brand with just a few words.

For more information on how this works, SproutSocial has a great article on identifying and collaborating with influencers.

6. Consider Affiliate Marketing

There are millions of small bloggers hoping to make money online. Many of them are affiliate marketers within their niche. It wouldn’t take much time or effort to source them and determine their audience size if you’re in the same niche.

You’re likely known within your niche if you already have a great product and brand. Or you may need to prove that your product does sell.

Either way, it shouldn’t be too hard to iron out a fair deal where they market your product to their followers and, in turn, get a percentage of any sales that follow.


As we all know, every purchase counts. That’s why when you open your wallet, you’ll want to ensure you have plenty of cash to spend. So when it comes to making the most of your online business, there are several things you can do to promote sales and increase your store’s visibility on search engines such as Google and Bing.

This article lists some of the best ways to promote your online store’s special deal so that people searching for something similar will come straight to your website:

  1. Start Producing Content
  2. Forum/Facebook Group Marketing
  3. Use Google Adwords
  4. Social Media
  5. Influencers
  6. Consider Affiliate Marketing

Even if you already have a loyal customer base and sell many of the same products, having more exposure through promotions can help you stand out from the competition and increase your ranking in search results. Try some of these ideas today and see how they can help you grow your business!

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Josh Kohlbach CEO

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