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6 Small Business Loyalty Program Tips In WooCommerce

Do you find yourself managing a small business loyalty program? If so, you’re probably well aware of the challenges of boosting sales without a solid plan in place. Recent studies indicate that 80% of your company’s future revenue will be generated by just 20% of your current customers. This highlights […]

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7 Best WooCommerce Push Notification Plugins (2024 Guide)

Over the course of time, push notifications have grown to become one of the most effective tools to engage and retain your audience. It helps keep your WooCommerce store at the forefront of their minds. Therefore, it is highly important to have reliable push notification plugins at your disposal. With […]

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How To Create A Loyalty Membership Program In WooCommerce

Did you know that over 90% of companies out there now offer a special loyalty membership program to reward their loyal customers? You know those places you frequently shop at—say, Walmart or Amazon? And if you’re into shoes, chances are you’ve heard of Nike’s and Adidas’ cool membership perks too! […]

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5 Best WooCommerce SMTP Plugins In 2024 (Free + Paid)

Do you ever get annoyed by a bunch of annoying and sketchy emails flooding your inbox? Or maybe you’re frustrated because the emails you send to your customers keep ending up in their spam folders or getting rejected by other email servers. If this is the case, explore WooCommerce SMTP […]

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3 Reasons Why Loyalty Programs Are Important In WooCommerce

In the world of e-commerce today, lots of store owners are jumping on the bandwagon and using plug-and-play loyalty program strategies. But have you ever paused and wondered why loyalty programs are important in WooCommerce? Well, think about it. In this day and age, we’re all bombarded with endless choices […]

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