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3 Creative Product Sampling Ideas For Your WooCommerce Store

Product sampling has become a must-have marketing technique for companies in different industries. Whether it’s perfumes, cosmetics, or food, offering product samples has proven to be a powerful way to attract consumers and gain a competitive edge. But here’s the question: How can you provide product samples effectively in WooCommerce? […]

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How To Create Discount Rules For WooCommerce

Discounts can be a powerful tool for e-commerce. However, it’s not quite as simple as offering a one-size-fits-all coupon. Different offers will appeal to different customers, making the creation of discount rules for WooCommerce critical. Fortunately, setting these up can be easy. With the Advanced Coupons plugin, you can establish […]

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5 Best Affiliate Plugins In WooCommerce (2025 Updated)

Affiliate marketing is an effective way to grow your business nowadays. It not only helps you reach a wider audience but also boosts your sales by having multiple advocates who help spread the word about your brand. However, to make it work smoothly, you’ll need some affiliate plugins along the […]

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How To Give A WooCommerce Category Discount (2 Easy Steps)

Are you interested in motivating customers to explore and buy from specific product categories? If so, running a WooCommerce category discount is the perfect solution. By doing this, you can effectively target specific product categories, attract more customers, and boost sales within those categories. Luckily, running this type of promotional […]

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Automatic Discount Applied At Checkout (WooCommerce Guide)

Unfortunately, lots of e-commerce stores struggle with high cart abandonment rates. Offering a generous discount applied at checkout is a great way to combat this. However, your efforts could complicate your checkout process and confuse customers. Luckily, you can avoid this by setting up an automatic discount applied at checkout. […]

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3 Easy Steps To Create URL Coupons In WooCommerce

Boring coupon strategies that don’t seem to resonate with customers are out. Nowadays, it’s important to add some marketing magic to your coupon game if you want to truly stand out from the crowd. And one effective way to do this is by adding URL coupons to your arsenal! These […]

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